Banking Mediation

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Undoubtedly today’s financial and social conditions leave the best of entrepreneurs and their corporations exposed and undefended as it becomes more and more obvious that for every facet of the enterprise one requires a solid and strict approach backed up but specialized knowledge and extreme experience.

Banking Mediation is an alternative more frequently sought after as both State and Judicial authorities prefer the majority of disputes to be resolved out of court. As the rules and the conditions in the financial sector become more complicated, corporations must adjust accordingly and accept a stricter lending environment. In this environment entrepreneurs need to have access to specialized services and highly qualified consultants who will undertake to sort through the maze of paperwork and banking procedures, rules and regulations to ensure that your funding and finance needs are offered to you under the best possible terms and conditions and for the right price.

We at Money Managers International do just that. We are regulated by the Bank of Greece and all our activities in line with the guidelines set for Banking Mediators.

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